Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Washington D.C. Temple

We had a couple of hours to kill until Gabriel's big bash that evening after his Bar Mitzvah, so we decided to go see our temple. The Washington D.C. Temple. You can see it from the free way just beaming in the sunlight. We went to the visitors center, which is almost as twice as big at the Columbia, S.C Temple itself! They had the "Reflections of Christ" by Mark Mabry pictures on display (from his book... google it!). They were so moving, and brought you to tears. The whole visitors center was amazing!

On to the temple... how glorious!! It was so white, so big, and so amazing. It looked like it was carved out of one BIG block of marble. There are no words to discribe how gi-normous it was. I know it is taller than the Salt Lake Temple, and I all but laied on the ground to get a full shot (with Brint in it), and I couldn't get it all. Just amazing. I wish that we had time to do a session or two, but we were in a time crunch. That just means we'll have to come again!

Please go to to see more of our pics!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love this pic of you guys - so cute! Love ya! Mich